Apache Spark is an open-source framework for cluster computing and fast data processing. It runs on a variety of platforms, including stand-alone and on Hadoop. It can access data stored in HDFS, Cassandra etc. For example, we might have an existing Hadoop cluster. Deploying Spark on top of that might speed up analytics dramatically because Spark performs many operations in memory.

The interesting thing for Data Scientists is the fact that Spark has Machine Learning libraries built-in. But when I first started using Spark, I was confused. There seem to be two ML implementations. In addition, the naming conventions might be a bit confusing, as well. What are the different APIs and which one should I choose? Let’s take a brief look, focusing mostly on what all of this means for programmers.


The older API is known as MLlib (more on naming a bit later), and it is based on RDDs, or Resilient Distributed Datasets. They are faul-tolerant and parallelized collections of elements. For example, we could create a RDD from an existing data type using the parallelize function (in Scala):

// The original data array
val data = Array(1, 2, 3)
/** Create the parallelized dataset.
    Note that sc is the SparkContext.
    Check Spark docs for initializing it.*/
val parallelData = sc.parallelize(data)

Ok, easy enough. Now we are starting to get to the interesting part. How do we do something with these parallel data collections? If you want to perform transformations to the data, it’s necessary to use many functional programming methods, such as map or reduce. Some examples of this:

// Get the sum of elements
parallelData.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
// Add one to each element
parallelData.map(a => a + 1)

In short, working with RDDs requires some functional programming skills. It also leaves a lot of options to the programmer: how to implement something. It of course also means that poor implementation might have poor performance. In a way, the old API requires imperative style of programming.

Now would be a good time to mention that the RDD API is in maintenance mode since Spark 2.0, and that from Spark 3.0 it will be deprecated. The old API will be useful at least until the new one catches up and reaches feature parity. Anyway, there is a new game in town. Let’s take a look at the new API and what it means from a programming perspective.

Dataframe API

First, a few notes on naming conventions. This is to ease some confusion that might appear when finding information about different APIs. Officially, the new API is called SparkML Dataframe-based API. This is the name that I will be using, as well. However, many if not most people use MLlib when referring to the old RDD API, and SparkML or Spark ML when talking about the new one. This is not an official name, however.

The new API is based on Dataframes instead of RDDs, and is now used as the primary API for Sparks machine learning capabilites. A Dataset is a distributed data collection that aims to combine the benefits of RDDs and Spark SQL engine. In the context of machine learning, we are especially interested in DataFrames. They are Datasets with named columns. From a programming perspective, two important points come to mind when talking about DataSets:

  • Conceptually, they can be considered relational database tables
  • They are well optimized, and the developer doesn’t need to worry about these optimizations

One more thing: DataFrames are lazy, which means any operations on them are not evaluated until Spark deems it necessary. You can define all the transformations you want, but they might be executed a bit later. A small example:

/** Now we have a DataFrame df with columns "name" and "age", among other
    things. */
// Let's filter out people under 18
df.filter($"age" > 18)
// Note that nothing has been done yet.

// Now let's print it out, this will also execute the query

DataFrames are also related to an important feature called Pipelines. I’ll write a separate blog post about that in more detail. Anyway, in short, DataFrames are higher level than RDDs, and the optimizations happen under the hood.

The Main Point

I mentioned earlier that RDDs require developers to think imperative (and functional). With the new API, this has changed, and a completely different programming paradigm is required. DataFrames resemble database tables, and Spark even uses an SQL engine in the background. SQL happens to be a declarative language, which means you specify what to do, not how. This means that even though we are still using Spark and its machine learning capabilities, the style of programming has completely changed. This demonstrates that it’s always necessary to be versatile in the world of Data Science.